Wednesday, December 15, 2010


The results from Parkers biopsy have come back....drum roll...his heart has no rejection yeaaa!!!! This is very good news, it means that his meds are working and his body is responding good to his new heart. Hooray. He is now on a wheign of one of his anti rejection drugs and in two months won't be quite so immunocomprimised. I don't think that I need to say anymore, that is a good enough post on its own.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

6 month heart biopsy

Well on Tuesday we started driving to Edmonton for Parkers heart biopsy. We met a really good friend and were able to go out for dinner Tueday night. On Wednesday we had appointments all day and get ready for the next day. Thursday we got up early and came to the hospital. He was second case so he got in at about 10:30. Everything went really well, when the doctors got into his heart they measured a part that was narrowing where the donar heart was connected to his heart. So they ballooned the narrowing and he needs to stay over night to be monitored. So we'll know tomarrow what the results are from the biopsy. It was really good to come back to Edmonton to see so many people that helped our family and that were such dear friends to us.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Home again, home again jiggity jig

It has been 4 weeks that we have been in Calgary and I was so ready to come home. The doctors discharged us this morning and I had my RMH room all clean and everything ready to put in the van yesterday, just in case. We were waiting for Parkers blood work to come back, and it did yesterday night. His CMV load was 8700 up from 5000 on Friday. :( They let us come home but if his load goes up over 15000 then back to Alberta Children's we go. So we have to do blood work on Friday and so on Monday we'll know more. He has caught some gastro bug from his brother and so I'm back to changing a million poopy diapers a day.

It was great to come home and get a tonne of hugs from Brock and Kaden was so proud to show me all of the crafts and projects that he was working on. It's so fun to see Parker get so excited to play with his brothers and be with them. His personality is really coming out.

I just love my boys

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Weirdest Thing

In the last 3 weeks my ear/jaw has been hurting and I wasn't sure what was wrong. I thought that maybe I was grinding my teeth or clenching while I slept from the stress that had newly arrived in my life. It would come and go and so I thought not much of it. Well it came back last night after me not feeling it for a week and Jim was here. The pain was worse than ever, I couldn't eat or even open my mouth. He got out his little medical i phone app, typed in all my symptoms and decided that I probably had the mumps. Now Parker couldn't get his MMR immunizations because it is a live vaccine and it would do damage with his new heart. I put him to bed at the hospital hoping to talk to a doctor, but they can't check out adults by law. So one of my new nurse friends got me into an urgent care place, she called them and told them that my baby just had a heart transplant and they all felt sorry for me and got me in right away in front of all the other people waiting. Ha ha I guess there is some benefits to having a sick child. So the Doctor comes in and looks in my throat, looks in my ear and says oh my you have something in there. now I'm starting to worry, thinking its a bug that crawled in. So he gets some tweezers and pulls out a 5 mm flower. I think that's what it is anyway. It looks like the middle pollen thing... so weird how that got in there and how it was making my ear and jaw swell up I have no idea. I'm pretty grossed out by it and I hope he got it all cause it still hurts when I eat. When the doctor left he says "don't worry Jess you'll be fine, and don't you know flowers are for planting not putting in your ears, so stop doing that". I was still in shock, so I just left and and took a pain med. SOOOOO weird!!

Anyone have any other idea what it could be???

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Update on Parker

Well we are into week three of being at the Alberta Childrens Hospital. Parker is doing pretty good. We have been getting weekly blood work on tuesdays. When we got attmitted his CMV level was 823 000 last week it was 200 000 and this week it was 70 000 so its coming down nicely. We have to wait till it's 0 and they are not too sure how long its going to take so we'll have to see what happens next week. We are fighting right now to keep his IVs in. His Pic line came out yesterday and so we've put two temporary IVs in, in 24 hours. He's so active that they are hard to keep in, so back to the OR to get a new line in tomarrow. Which means no food and a cranky boy. The doctor that put his last pic in line said that it took him a 2 hours to get it in and that there is not many vessels left to put something in this round. They are going to have to get a radiologist to come in and ultrasound his vessels so they can actually see where the blood is coming and going. I hope that we get in soon, he's just going to be on the emergency list. Wish us LUCK!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween weekend

Well this weekend has felt like Halloween was never going to end.

It started on Friday. At the hospital there they had a guys named scientific Steve and he did a whole presentation with doing a bunch of different experiments and was really entertaining. Then the kids went to about 10 different centers and had games for them to do and then got candy and prizes. Parker sure got excited about the candy and was catching on pretty quick. He loves the sound of candy wrappers. They had face painting and clowns, and the kids had a great time. We went to RMH that night for supper and Parker missed the activities of the house that day and so they gave him a big bucket of candy/games/stickers. The people that were making the meal made us BBQ steak, chicken hot dogs, and mini burgers and salads and veggies and potatos. They brought toys and treats for all the kids. Parker alone got a teddy bear, 2 packs of hot wheels cars, and a trick or treat bucket filled with candy. They asked if I had any other kids and then they gave me 2 packs of sticker activities and 2 fancy coloring books for the boys that weren't even there. They were so giving, such nice people.

On Saturday I convinced the Doctors to let me take Parker back to Lethbridge for the day. So after his meds in the morning we packed up and drove home. It was so nice to be able to go home for a couple of hours. The reason I wanted to go home was so that we could go to the Halloween party at the Church. There, they had a bunch of games set up all around the church and you got a little prize at each one. We had taco in a bag for supper. I was going to have to leave and miss the kids doing to trunk and treat thing and so Jim offered to take Parker back to Calgary for me, so that I could take the kids. The kids got to listen to a scary story and then they did the trunk or treat. They got a good size bag of treats, and had so much fun.

Me and the boys came up to Calgary this morning and as we were walking into the RMH some people all dressed up were walking out. They had brought so much stuff for the kids. They brought 3 pinatas, and probably 4 huge bowls full of different candy and things for these kids. We all know whose going to be eating most of it...ME and I don't want it. People are so nice, how kind of them to think of these kids that may not be able to go trick or treating.

It was a great weekend but I'm dreading the next few weeks with the kids bugging me by asking to eat another treat.... I hope I don't go crazy. Oh ya they will be driving Jim crazy instead. Maybe we'll put it away for their birthdays. HA HA

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mom the tooth fairy is going to turn me into a toad.

Well I have been waiting for so so so long for this day to come, and I missed it. Kaden lost his first tooth. Growing up, this was I think one of my favorite times, when my teeth were falling out. I remember as soon as I would get a loose tooth I would wiggle it and never quit until it was ready to come out and then I would go to my dad and ask him to pull it out. He would say ok go and get my pliers and I would run and get the pair in the drawer and not caring that there was grease and who knows what else on them and he would grab my tooth and pull it out. My dad always told me that I was the toughest girl. A very high threshold of pain( hey when money is involved you got to sacrifice...right) I was so excited to see what the tooth fariy would bring me, because I LOVED money. I tried to pass this excitement onto Kaden but I'm not sure that he has caught the love or idea yet because it has been wiggly for months and months, and I would have never let it last that long in my mouth. Maybe now he'll know. I'm not sure what the average going rate is these days but our tooth fairy gave 8 quarters which he was pretty excited about.
As Jim was putting the boys to bed Jim phoned me and asked me to deal with this.
Brock got on the phone and told me "I dont want the tooth fairy to come and could you please call her and tell her not to come to our house", I said "why Brock" "because she is going to turn me into a toad" I explained that she wouldnt turn him into a toad and that Kaden would be sad if I called her and told her not to come. so funny. The next day I asked him if he had a good sleep and if the tooth fairy came and brought Kade money and he said very happily "yup and guess what she didnt turn me into a Toad. wheuf. That was a close one. So cute.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back in the Yellow stripped Pajama's

During Parkers Blood work last week, some results came back and it showed that his body was positive for CMV. When he recieved his donar heart It was positive for CMV and his body was negative. When this happens they put him on a med called Valgancyclovir. CMV is a virus that is equivalent to the common cold, but when someone that is immuno comprimised like Parker gets it, it could turn into a lot bigger and more serious things fast. So his transplant Dr. told me to pack up and head to Calgary. I had quite a bit of anxiety walking up to the unit where his room was waiting for him. In my mind we were supposed to be in the clear and not back to this place. He needs to be monitored and put on an IV drug called ganciclovir. After transplant he was on a oral med of it and it started to make him very sick with dropping his hemoglobbin and making his white blood cell count drop. So they took him off at the end of August, and hopefully now they can get his meds all balanced out. Parker is so happy you would never know that he was sick. He gets his IV meds at 9 and 9 and then we are able to go out on passes during the day. The Childrens Hospital in Calgary is wonderful but hopefully we'll be able to get home soon.

Parkers crawling October 1, 2010

I have been waiting for so so so long for this, Parker has finally learned how to crawl. He is 19 months old, a little older than most when they start to crawl, but I think he will make up for lost time. He is still pretty slow and he has to stop and rest to give his right arm a break but he's getting faster and better at getting what he wants. He is starting to pull him self onto his knees and he tries so hard to get to his feet, but doesn't have the strength yet, it will come. He is already getting around to the cupboards and pulling stuff out and making a huge mess and I love it. I love to see him progressing with normal things that he hadn't been able to do when he was sick. I'm so excited for him to be able to discover the WORLD!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Brock on a two wheeler, October 7, 2010

During the summer we brought Brocks bike to Waterton to see if he could ride and he could do it as long as I was hold the bike up. He was having a blast but I sure was getting tired...ya he wasn't quite ready. So we left it alone and then about 2 months later we tried again and he could do it he found the balance that he needed. Yea for HIM. He still can't start on his own but I think that will come with more practice. Maybe I'll try again to see if he's got the next step in another 2 months, or maybe next year.

Hay Bales October 5, 2010

We went out one afternoon cause I wanted to show the boys how big these bales really were. Looking at them from the highway does not show their true size. I tried to get them to climb them but ya right there was no way. Maybe in 5 years...with a chair. haha. So much fun. Did I mention that I love the fall!!

Last Nice Day October 1, 2010

My mom used to always say to us growing up in the fall, "its the last nice day of the year go outside and play"...oh wait she still does say that. I catch myself saying to my kids all the time too. It was going to be a beautiful day and so we took advantage of it and made a day trip to Waterton to have a picnic and play. There was no wind and the leaves and mountains were so pretty.

Parker just got taught by grandma to throw rocks. Watch out Anna.

Grandma and Parker.

Schools BACK!! September 2010

I love the fall I think that it is my favorite season. I love the changing colors of the leaves, the smells of playing in the leaves, the warm fall days and getting new school supplies. But with fall, comes school starting again. Kaden is in Grade 1 this year and Brock is in Preschool. They are both really excited to go. I think that it will be good for Parker and I to have some time alone too. He will have so many appointments that I can make them when Brock is in school and Parker can have his own time too!!

Kaden Grade 1 August 30, 2010

Brock Preschool September 2, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer Gone and Fall's Here

Well the summer is almost offiacially over and man it sure does seem like it with this weather. Rain, rain and more rain. We havent had to water the grass all summer. Anyway Since we have got home in the middle of July we have been able to do a few things. It has been so fun to be a family again and hang out. Here is our summer recap; we have been to the Beattie Family Reunion at Park Lake, had a Birthday Party for Kaden, Went to the Campbell Family Reunion in West Castle, had Brock's Birthday Party, Been swimming at the Stirling Pool, We have been to Waterton for 3 day trips and Went camping again in West Castle. I feel like we haven't done too much in the last 2 months but I'm so glad for that. I have been enjoying being home and not feeling like I always have to be planning the next trip. I have just loved to BE HOME. The kids have really loved to be here too with everyone home. Being away from your kids or them being away from their mom and brother for that long is not normal, or good for anyone.

Waterton day trip July 26, 2010:

You know that it is a nice day in Waterton when you can go swimming in the lake!! I made all the boys a deal that if they dunked their heads all the way under that they could either have $2 or an icecream cone. Surprise, surprise they all chose the $2.


Kaden's 6th Birthday, July 30, 2010

Campbell Reunion July 31 to Aug 3, 2010

We had a double Birthday for Kaden and Brock, with all the Seely's in West Castle. They were led on a scavanger hunt...

...and the last thing on the list that they had to find was...

...A cammo colored mini quad. They were pretty excited about it. Our rule is that you have to be 6 to ride by yourself, Kaden got pretty good at it, I usually ride on the back of Brock and help him to control the throttle. Too fun!!

Campbell Reunion, Monday Picnic and Drive

Here's Kaden jumping into cold water again.

Brock was staying clear of the water this time, and was happy just to throw some rocks into the creek. What a beautiful picture. It just takes my breath away, I love the mountains.

And the picnic, my kids love to have picnics. Usually it doesn't matter what were having if were calling it a picnic it is always so much more fun to eat lunch.

Brock's 4th Birthday, August 9, Bowling and cake with the Smiths.

Brock requested a strawberry cake!! My boy sure LOVES cake. yumm

Friday, July 23, 2010

Parkers Party

Kaden and Brock made this very colorful sign for Parker, with the help of Grandma Beattie.

We had a party for Parker yesterday and it was a success. There was lots of people and lots of food, what more can you ask for, to have a good party. Although I don't think that Parker knew the party was for him, I do think that he had a good time. There was two things that I was really worried about. The first was that we wouldn't have enough food, That didn't happen we were almost perfect of our count. I didn't ask anyone to RSVP so it was kind of a stab in the dark. And the second thing was that it wouldn't rain. At 1:00pm it started spitting and looked like it wasn't going to let up, but it did and we almost got through the evening without the showers, but they did grace us for about 10 minutes or so. That didn't stop us from eating or the kids from running around.

This is Parker's closest in age cousins. Maddison is 7 days older and Josh is 2 1/2 months younger. They will be such great friends.

I think that the trampoline was maxed out with kids. How fun!!

The kids had a blast, there were quite a few of them. Some on the trampoline, tree house, or tire swing, or just running around in the bushes or lawn. By the look of my boys at the end when everyone had left, I could tell that they had a fun time. They looked like little orphans. Covered from head to toe in dirt.

The boys were staking out the tree house, for their boys club.

It was so nice to celebrate Parker being home and his health. The miracle of his recovery with some of the people that have been thinking and praying about him these past 5 months. Thank-you all for coming, we really do appreciate all the love and support that you all have shown us.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Beattie Family Reunion

Every year in the summer we have started a tradition, that we have to reserve a weekend that everyone has to be here and we have to spend all weekend together. It has been a really fun thing that we all have to look forward. Each year someone has to plan where we are going and each family picks a meal to cook for everyone and an activity to help entertain 13 grand kids. Luckily Paker and I made it home. This years reunion was almost at the Days Inn in Edmonton, although it probably wouldn't have mattered where we had it, it would have been equally as fun.

This year Leslie and Dustin Michel planned it and they chose to go to Park Lake. It is really fun for little kids and really close to Lethbridge. We all got there at about 12:00pm Friday and set up camp. We headed right to the beach. It was a little windy but I wouldn't expect anything less from Southern Alberta, and the kids didn't notice. The rest of the weekend was full of fishing(Jim's activity) Bon Fires, crafts, more swimming, playing kickball, bike rides, playing on the two parks, going on dingy rides around the lake, going to church, and eating a lot of food and treats!!

We always get a family picture since everyone is there and sometimes that doesn't happen any other time of the year. Some Pictures are better then others.